
a sampling of artwork created for press releases, article figures, magazine covers, exhibits, and more.  Please contact us for re-use inquiries.

Reconstruction of a tropical Triassic backwater floodplain, depicting early dinosaurs and crocodile relatives (detail). Client: National Park Service

Sequence of events following the Chicxulub impact that ended the Mesozoic, based on findings from the International Oceanic Drilling Program. Client: Curtin University

Detail of life-size mural depicting the Late Triassic of Arizona.  Client: Petrified Forest National Park

Life reconstructions of elements of the Rhynie Chert ecosystem of Early Devonian Scotland.  Client: Natural History Museum London

Reconstruction of several rooms of an American Southwest cliff dwelling ruin based on Lidar scans.  Client:  National Park Service

Impact-associated hydrothermal vent system of the Chicxulub impact crater. Client: USRA-Lunar and Planetary Institute

Comparison of the parallels in ocean disruptions of the End-Triassic extinction and current Anthropocene.  Client: Curtin University

Reconstruction of a Sinaguan pithouse, ca 800 CE, Northern Arizona.  Client: Southwest Virtual Museum / Northern Arizona University

Depiction of the last moments of a 2-ton Therizinosaur swept out to sea and surrounded by sharks, ultimately found fossilized in seafloor sediments. Client: Museum of Northern Arizona

Reconstruction of the Carboniferous of France, showing swamp forest of giant horsetails and arborescent lycopods.  Client: Terra Botanica

Reconstruction of the ancient Devonian Gilboa Forest, the oldest true fossil trees known, from a time before the first vertebrates walked on land.  Client: cover art for the journal Nature.

Press release for new research analyzing the fossil remains of a vast microbial mat that once covered much of the southern UK in order to find clues to a mass extinction more than 200 million years ago.  Client: Curtin University

Life reconstruction of the frill of Utahceratops to show a possible colorful display surface as well as an underlying network of heat-shedding blood vessels suggested by bone surfaces.  Life-size exhibit sculpture atop provided skull reconstruction by Gaston Design.  Client: Bureau of Land Management

Life-size resin sculpture frieze of Ice Age megafauna of the American Southwest: the giant Bison antiquus and the tiny so-called "Mexican Horse" Equus conversidensClient: Sharlot Hall Museum

Life-size resin bas-relief of the now-extinct American Lion of the last Ice Age, the largest lion known to have existed.  Client: Sharlot Hall Museum